Paul Liang, CMU

Paul Pu Liang

Email: paul.liangpu(at)

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[Papers] [Teaching] [Research Group] [Talks]

I recently received my Ph.D. from the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Louis-Philippe Morency and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. I was also fortunate to collaborate with Manuel Blum, Lenore Blum, Faisal Mahmood, Jack Hessel, and Yejin Choi at Berkeley, Harvard Medical School, and UW/AI2. My research was generously supported by a Siebel Scholars Award, Waibel Presidential Fellowship, Facebook PhD Fellowship, and Center for Machine Learning and Health Fellowship, and has been recognized by 4 best paper/honorable mention awards at international conferences and workshops. I love teaching and was honored to receive the Alan J. Perlis Graduate Student Teaching Award for co-instructing courses on multimodal machine learning. Previously, I received an M.S. in Machine Learning and a B.S. with University Honors in Computer Science and Neural Computation from CMU.

Research opportunities: I am happy to collaborate and answer questions about my research and CMU academic programs. If you are interested, please send me an email. I especially encourage students from underrepresented groups to reach out.


Selected Publications

(* denotes joint first-authors, see full list of publications here)

Foundations of multimodal machine learning:

Representation learning over multisensory and temporal data:

Multimodal applications in social AI, health, and wellness:

Real-world societal concerns:


Research Group

Some amazing students I've had the pleasure of advising:

Academic Talks

I have an Erdős number of 3 (Paul Erdős → Giuseppe Melfi → Erik Cambria → Paul Pu Liang).
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